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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ben Monder's solo on "Echolalia"

This solo comes from one of the guitarist I admire the most, Ben Monder. I will admit he is not one of the ones I listen to the most but I do admire him for his creativity and open mind when it comes to exploring music.

Oceana is a wonderful album, it is very unique and exploratory while still being just beautiful. Any contribution between Ben Monder and Theo Bleckmann is worth listening to. "Echolalia" is by far my favorite song of this album, and Ben's solo is amazing. It starts with lots of space and some great harmonic movement. It then develops into more melodic lines that are well placed and flawlessly executed. Ben knows well how to use space and develop a solo, this solo is no exception to that. I suggest you listen to this song about a thousand times and then some more!

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